Account Management Settings

For a new account, specify whether the new admin is internal to your organization, or external:
  • Create a new admin account: Select to create an account for an admin within your organization.
  • Grant access to an external admin: Select to grant access to administrators outside of your organization. These administrators include personnel from Extreme Networks resellers, distributors, technical support, and sales engineering.


    External administrators must have an ExtremeCloud IQ account before they can be added.
Table 1. Account Management Settings
Field Description
Email Address The email address of the administrator.
Name The name of the administrator (internal admin only).
Idle Session Timeout The number of minutes before a session times out (internal admin only).
Choose a Role — Assign a role to each admin.
Installer Designed to work with the mobile app, and so has limited privileges based on the in-build limitations of the app. If you log into ExtremeCloud‌ IQ as an admin with Installer privileges using the standard web interface, then the Management, Insights, and Configuration tools are read only with the following exceptions:
  • Onboard, update, reboot, and delete devices
  • Assign network policies
  • Assign locations
  • CLI access
  • Flash LEDs
Guest Management Has access only to the guest management admin interface. This is mainly for employees who need to create user accounts for guests, contractors, and employee personal devices to enable access to the wireless network.
Application Operator Can view status information about client devices and supported APs and change roles for a client device. this role cannot see other menus, or make configuration changes to the network.
Observer Has read-only access to most of the ExtremeCloud‌ IQ interface. This role does not have access to the account and license management functions. The difference between Observer and Monitor is the Monitor role has write access to the Tools tab and read access to the rest of the network. The Observer has read-only access.
Monitor Has full read-write access to system Tools located at Manage > Devices > Utilities > Tools and restricted (read-only) access to the remaining tabs. With full access to the Tools tab, the monitor role can diagnose client issues, escalate issues, and mark issues as resolved.
Administrator Has full read-write access to ExtremeCloud IQ and your network. This is the only role that can create and manage administrators and ExtremeCloud IQ licenses.
Help Desk Has full access to the Tools tab. They can diagnose client issues, escalate issues, and mark issues as resolved, and search by user name to see details for a user, or by MAC address to see details for a client.
Operator Has full write access, but cannot manage accounts and licensing. An operator can also update the network map (located on the Manage > Planning tab) to add a building or a floor to any location, unless they are restricted to a single location.
Note: Local operators cannot view alarms for locations they cannot access.
Assign Location Assign the locations to which the admin has access. Access restrictions by location are based on how you have defined your network map.